The world offers us endless opportunities to accumulate things: money, houses, jewelry. But all of this is merely pseudo-wealth, an illusion, a deception. We come into this world with nothing and leave in the same way. Everything accumulated stays here, while our life passes in pursuit of the external, distracting us from the true purpose.
Each of us strives for well-being, abundance, a sense of fullness in life. We seek wealth in the external world, collect money, achieve power, and try to strengthen our prestige. Yet, despite all efforts, a bitterness and emptiness remain inside.
Look into the eyes of those who have reached great heights in the material world. Behind the glitter and external well-being, you will see hidden pain, fear, and dissatisfaction. They carefully mask their inner poverty, surrounding themselves with luxury, respect, and influence. But anyone who can see deeper understands: external achievements do not make a person truly wealthy.
True wealth is not something you can put in your pocket or leave as an inheritance. It is hidden within you. It has nothing to do with owning things. They can bring convenience, joy, comfort, and that’s not bad. Use things, enjoy them, but remember: this is only external, peripheral. The real treasure lies deep within you. If you get lost in the jungle of materialism, you risk missing out on true wealth. Real life can slip through the fingers of your hands.
Life in the Present Moment
True wealth is revealed only to those who live here and now. To live in the present means to free yourself from the past, which pulls you back, and from the future, which entices you with illusions. When all your energy is focused on this very moment, life becomes incredibly full.
This state is like a passionate love affair with existence itself. You burn from within, your energy transforms into light that illuminates the whole world. Life becomes real, bright, and full of meaning. Only a strong flame can become light.
Meditation as the Key
I call meditation the greatest value. It is where your true, priceless treasure is hidden. Meditation is the path to awareness, contemplation, and harmony. It transforms you into the master of your life, unlocking access to the Kingdom of God — a state of absolute inner freedom and fulfillment.
And then you discover true wealth. Everything that once seemed insignificant — love, compassion, prayer, the sense of Divine presence — unfolds before you in all its beauty. You feel something eternal, imperishable awakening within you.
Then True Wealth becomes the quality of your life, your way of being. It is the music of your soul, the poetry of your heart, the harmony of your inner world. It is the ability to enjoy the moment and be grateful for everything that happens to you.
Meditation is the only path to this state. It helps you uncover your nature, find inner silence, where your true treasure is hidden.
The Only Path
There has been, is, and will be no other path to wealth. Everything else is just an illusion. True wealth cannot be measured in money or possessions. It is measured by how alive, aware, and fulfilled you are from within.
Begin now by searching within yourself. Everything you need is already there. Only by realizing this can you achieve true prosperity, the real treasure that cannot be lost.
Meditation is the art of observation. Observe your actions, thoughts, and feelings without judgment or attachment. Simply be a witness, maintaining silence. Gradually, a miracle begins to occur: the more you observe, the less chaos remains within. Contemplation clears the space of your consciousness, and the mind, accustomed to noise and endless movement, comes to a halt.
In deep meditation, you begin to understand that you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions. The body is just an outer shell, the mind is a tool for thinking, the heart is a tool for feeling. But you are pure consciousness, the one observing all this.
The path to awareness begins with the body. Working with the physical matter is the first step. Then comes the turn of the mind, this endless stream of thoughts, which turns out to be just a phenomenon to be observed. And finally, the emotions. This is the subtlest barrier that also needs to be overcome. Freeing yourself from the body, mind, and heart, you discover what has always been with you but remained hidden. And then the fourth happens — you do nothing, it happens by itself.
This is the state of being where all three energies, the three energy flows of body, mind and heart merge into one. At that moment the door to your eternity, to your immortality opens. And then it is the beginning of true life, in which there are no limitations.
When you reach this state, an infinite expanse opens up before you. All the walls separating you from existence disappear. You become part of the whole, and this unity fills you with light, silence, and joy. Here, in "the fourth," all the mysteries of existence are revealed. This is true life, in its deepest essence.
The Prayas Meditation Center will gladly become your guide on this path. Here you will find support and practices that will help the "fourth" to occur within you and experience the sacred presence of life in everything.